I’ve been looking forward to the opening of Pretend City Museum since April when I found out that a new children’s museum was being built in Irvine.
Well, things didn’t work out and I didn’t get to go. My hubby took Maddie to Pretend City Museum on Friday 9/4. I was all excited about it. Just imagine, a little miniature city with grocery store, post office, bank, fire station and beach!!!
I was dying to hear the feedback from my hubby. As soon as I saw him I attacked,
“How was it?” “Wasn’t it cute?” “Did Maddie like it?” “Was there lots of people?” “What did you think?” “Did you get the brochures like I asked you to?” “Do you think Maddie would like her birthday party to be there?” “What was her favorite part?” “Was it clean?”
Of course, my hubby, being a guy, said
“It was nice and Maddie liked it. I picked up the brochures.”
I gave up and made up my mind to visit my self. Well, as you know the entrance fee is $10 / person which is pricey. So I started looking at membership information and it really disappointed me.
The “part time pretender” membership is only available for
weekdays starting at
2PM. Okay, so what if you are a single working parent? Museum closes at 5PM. How in the world are you going to bring your kid(s) to this museum at 3PM on a weekday?
The next level skipped to a membership for family of 4 for weekday & weekend for $200.
Hey, what about family of 3 with 2 working parents like us?
Did I also mention that the 50% discounted tickets ($5) are only from 4PM – 5PM?
Yes, we live in infamous OC, but still, I think these membership options are high compared to other children’s museums in OC.
La Habra Children’s Museum Membership
http://www.lahabracity.com/section.cfm?id=98Bowers Museum (Kidseum included) Membership
http://www.bowers.org/join/membership.jspDiscovery Center
http://www.discoverycube.org/getinvolved.aspx?q=24Chino Youth Museum
http://www.chinoyouthmuseum.com/3/miscellaneous4.htmI’m hoping that Pretend City Museum will start one of those Target Free Sundays or B of A’s Museum on Us program.