Friday, April 24, 2009

B of A Museums on Us Program Extended

I mentioned Bank of America's "Museums on Us" program while writing about Discovery Science Center. It is a program where you get free admission to certain museums on the first weekend of the month if you have a valid B of A card. On that posting I mentioned that the program is until April 2009.

Well, it looks like they extended the program till the end of the year. There are some changes to the program, though.

1. Laguna Art Museum is no longer part of the program
2. Muzeo in Anaheim is included in the program. (whoppee! I'm going to try out this museum some day on a free weekend!)
3. San Diego Children's Museum is also added. (this is another one of those museums that I plan on going some day...)

The program dates are still first weekend of the month. (For Science Discovery Center, the program works only on first Saturday and NOT SUNDAY)

For program details, please go to


  1. Awesome!! I would have never known about this! I am taking them to the Discovery Center this Saturday. I know you are probably going to tell me that they are too young but it is free!!

  2. Thank you so much for the update. This is incredible savings:)
