Saturday, March 7, 2009

Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

School Readiness Program

Maddie is 3 years old. She was born in November 2005 so she will be going to Kindergarten in September of 2010, next year. The parents of children who has fall birthdays need to make a decision whether they are going to send their kids to school “little early” or “little late.” I’ve been told that usually the girls start school little early and boys tend to start late.

Well, I have some time before even thinking about Maddie going to school, but for some of you, it might be this year.

City of Irvine and Irvine Unified School District does these events called “Welcome to Kindergarten” for parents. It is a free informational session for parents who are sending their children to school for the first time. The one of the events already took place but there’s another one coming up on Wednesday March 11, at Irvine City Hall Council Chambers. They will give you a thick information packet and you will have time for Q&A.

If you can’t make it, there’s a video of the whole presentation available via website.
To view, just go to the following website and click on the “Welcome to Kindergarten” program.

Irvine Unified School District has a School Readiness Program. If you go to this link you will find some classes you can take with your child to get ready for school.

Some of the classes are:

Preparing for Preschool
Get Ready for Kindergarten
Kindergarten Questions?
Solving Dinner Dilemmas

Go to following and click on "Spring Calendar 2009"

The following are some links to other city School Readiness information.

School Readiness Coordinator Roster

Tustin Unified District

Newport-mesa Unified District

Saddleback Valley Unified District